Blues is to America what Beer is to Germany
It belongs here! Nothing has sprung from the soul of our
great nation like The Blues! Working class heartbreak
and Down-in-the-Delta angst is what The Blues is all
Instead of being some minor footnote in today's New
Music, The Blues grows more fans every year. The 12-bar
beat and the plaintive wail of slide guitar and harmonica
defines the mood for millions all over the world.
Celebrating Seven Bluesy Years as the Southland mecca
for aficianados is Long Beach's renowned BLUE CAFE.
What a great place to listen to the impressive array of
acts that come through the doors.
The music starts at 5:30 pm every weekday. (Smart
choice for an after-work libation.) Weekends, the party
starts at 12:30 pm. Every day features a different drink
The BLUE CAFE has one of the most underrated
menus in town. They have portions that will send you
home with a box of leftovers and prices that won't have
you singing the blues when you get the check.
(Stolen from the Long Beach Press Telegram Restaurant Review)