Some New &
Old Friends


While we work on
making more Friends



"Dr. Fuse"



Page Three

Chris + Jolie
Chris Stills & Jolie
Jolie - "Up Against the Wall"

Meet Jolie Johnson, the latest member of the Dan Murphy Show
and an auxiliary member of the Plaid Dad's.
Jolie's great voice and guitar are an augment to both bands...

Hey, It's Marty aka "Zoot Frisbee"!
The "Professor" - Squeezin' It!
Here's a pair to draw to...a new friend, Marty; and an old friend, John.
They both are part of the Plaid Dads and Coastal Eddy and the OffShore Lows bands.

I swiped the pictures on this page from Marty's Pages (with permission)
Click on the Logo to look at some of the stuff I didn't steal...hahaha.

Coastal Eddy

Here's a shot of Marty's beautiful lady, Linda.
Great voice and purveyor of vegetable percussion
for the Zoot Frisbee Band!

(Really, She's got little maraca-sounding dealies
that look like avocados, tomatoes, and other stuff.)

Plus, Linda has cool hats!

Linda S.
Linda in one of her cool hats!

Flashing Ball  Return to the previous page

Flashing Ball  Return to the first link page

This entire Web Page Suite is a compilation
work created and maintained by R. W. Olson
Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 - R. W. Olson
Updated on November 3, 1998 - 03:00 PST